Lying. Misrepresenting facts to suit their own interests. Doubling down even when they’re wrong. When friends act like this, they’re on a fast track to ostracizing the people they care about most. It’s friendship-ending behavior, and it’s unacceptable. Nobody should be friends with the Friends of the Boundary Waters anymore. They’re toxic. They’re so far […]

Industry News
Better in Our Back Yard (BIOBY) is proud to support Enbridge’s Line 3 Replacement Project and understands that decisions regarding industrial projects of this magnitude are often met with challenges from project opponents. We applaud the MN Court of Appeals rulings today to uphold the project’s Certificate of Need, Route Permit and Environmental Impact Statement […]
Better In Our Back Yard congratulates DNR and PolyMet for a big win today as it takes another important step in making the NorthMet project a reality. Today’s ruling by the Minnesota Supreme Court effectively resolved a key legal challenge regarding PolyMet’s Permit to Mine and dam safety permits. The Court overturned a lower court decision that […]
PolyMet Wetlands Permit Statement
Yet again, PolyMet NorthMet project opponents continue to twist information to misinform the public and their supporters. The latest jab involves the US Army Corps of Engineers’ decision to suspend PolyMet’s wetlands permit during the EPA’s 90-day review. This is part of an EPA process currently underway to review downstream water quality under the Clean […]
Yesterday, the EPA filed a voluntary motion to remand its downstream water quality decision. The action pertains to section 401(a)(2) of the Clean Water Act. Under the law, when the Corps of Engineers plans to issue a section 404 wetlands permit, EPA has to consider whether discharges under the Corps’ permit “may affect” water quality […]
Letter to the PUC, in support of LINE 3
Better in Our Back Yard Letter to the PUC: This comment is in support of the Enbridge Energy Line 3 Replacement Project. The most recent request for a stay is unnecessary and counterproductive. Line 3 is already the most studied pipeline project in Minnesota’s history as the process nears six years of review. Wisconsin, North […]
Stormwater Permit Approved for Line 3
Today is a great day for the future of northern Minnesota communities. Enbridge has been granted the construction stormwater permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the final permit needed for construction to begin for the replacement of Line 3. Better In Our Back Yard congratulates Enbridge on six years of continuously proving that Line 3 will meet or […]
PolyMet Mining Committed to Extensive Regulatory Process
Better In Our Back Yard (BIOBY) is pleased celebrate another win for PolyMet and Minnesota’s industrial sector. The Ramsey County District Court found no irregularities in procedure when the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) issued a water quality permit for the NorthMet copper nickel-precious metals project. PolyMet Mining, Inc. is committed to following the extensive […]
Walz Announcement A Disappointing Turn for Northern MN
In no other state would a Governor repeatedly challenge a privately-funded, $2.6B project that will infuse 4200 family sustaining jobs during a recession and in a region that is experiencing unemployment rates in excess of 20 percent. This is especially disappointing to Better In Our Back Yard supporters after the Walz Administration and Dayton Administration […]