Our Mission
Better In Our Back Yard was created to provide organic, citizen-led forum content, educational resources and advocacy to support responsible industrial development projects and companies in Northern Minnesota and throughout the nation.
We advocate for projects and companies, including NewRange Copper Nickel’s permitted NorthMet Project out of Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota, Twin Metals Minnesota out of Ely, MN and Enbridge’s Line 5 Segment Relocation Project in northern Wisconsin, it’s Great Lakes Tunnel Project in northern Michigan, and Resolution Copper’s Proposed Copper mine out of Superior, Arizona.
Our mission is to strengthen the nation’s economy by advocating for responsible industrial development.
Better In Our Back Yard is a coalition of dedicated industry professionals and emerging leaders in the Upper-Midwest and throughout the country who understand that responsible industry creates a thriving economy while protecting the area’s pristine environment.
Lives and livelihoods in northern Minnesota and the nation depend on mining, manufacturing and pipeline industries to be successful. Better In Our Back Yard understands that when these industries are thriving, so are the Building Trades, the tourism industry and small businesses.

Ryan Sistad
Executive Director
Better In Our Back Yard