Better in Our Back Yard is pleased with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s decision to file a notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Twin Metals’ proposed copper-nickel mine in northeast Minnesota. This is a significant step forward in the federal regulatory process. The Better in Our Back Yard community of labor […]

Industry News
Better In Our Back Yard is pleased with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission’s decision to deny the request to reconsider the Certificate of Need and the route permit for the Enbridge #Line3 Project. We are grateful that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and its members are continuing to focus their efforts on advancing the progress […]
Positive Ruling Regarding Polymet’s NorthMet
Better in Our Back Yard is pleased to learn the Minnesota Supreme Court granted a review of a Minnesota Court of Appeals’ ruling regarding Polymet’s NorthMet Project air permit. It’s the second case the Supreme Court has granted review of the lower court’s ruling on PolyMet permits. Better in Our Back Yard remains steadfast in […]
Devastating News: Verso Mill to Close in Duluth
The Better in Our Back Yard community is devastated with the news Verso will indefinitely idle the Duluth paper mill this month. Employing over 200 professionals, the mill has been a cornerstone of our regional economy since 1987, providing a market for our naturally renewable resources in the logging industry. This news comes on the […]
Minnesotans for Line 3 – Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Decision Statement
The Better In Our Back Yard Board of Directors is extremely disappointed to learn about the MPCA’s decision to move to a contested case process for the Enbridge Line 3 Replacement Project. This is another example of a delay that could have been avoided. The Line 3 Replacement project included one of the most comprehensive […]
BIOBY Supports The Enbridge News
Better In Our Back Yard is pleased to share that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has reissued the Certificate of Need and the Route Permit for #Line3. Moving forward with the approved permits for this project will safeguard Minnesota’s economic future while immediately providing essential jobs to our state. To protect our local environment and […]
BIOBY Line 3 Statement
“Once again people across Minnesota have come together to participate in this process and show strong support for this important project. Minnesotans know Line 3 has been reviewed like no other project of its kind and passed every test. Not only does it make sense to replace old infrastructure with something better, this project will […]
Supreme Court Agrees to Review PolyMet Permits
Better In Our Back Yard (BIOBY) is pleased the Minnesota Supreme Court agreed to review the recent Minnesota Court of Appeals’ decision to reverse PolyMet’s Permit to Mine and dam safety permits. This is excellent news for the future of industrial project development in the state of Minnesota. BIOBY supports responsible mining and industrial development and the […]
PolyMet Has Minnesota’s Best Interest In Mind
Better In Our Back Yard (BIOBY) is disappointed in today’s announcement from the Minnesota Court of Appeals on PolyMet’s air emissions permit, sending it back to state regulators for further unnecessary review. BIOBY trusts PolyMet’s 15+ years of careful research, environmental review and planning conducted by PolyMet. The MPCA evaluated and granted PolyMet’s air emissions permit based on the actual size and scope of the proposed […]