PolyMet Stands Strong for Responsible Industry

Better In Our Back Yard (BIOBY) is disappointed in today’s announcement that the Minnesota Court of Appeals has reversed PolyMet’s DNR-issued permit to mine and dam safety permit and has ordered the DNR to hold an unnecessary and time-consuming contested case hearing.

This ruling completely disregards and disrespects nearly 15 years of careful scientific research and planning by both government agencies and PolyMet as a tedious evaluation of some of the strictest environmental regulations in the country have been reviewed to ensure the protection of our precious natural resources.

Now, because project opponents in the Twin Cities are committed to derailing industrial development and economic opportunity in northeast Minnesota, an already long process will be drawn out further – barring a successful appeal to the state High Court — as the agencies waste time conducting a contested case hearing to review permits and documentation that have already been closely scrutinized and approved.

Instead of trusting the process, the Minnesota Court of Appeals has ensured that the permitting process will become more uncertain, more cumbersome and more challenging for all future projects. This decision will have a negative impact on greater Minnesota and deter prospective investors from considering development in our state.

Better In Our Back Yard will continue to maintain our support of industrial development in Minnesota and PolyMet’s continual advancement to operation and production.