Yesterday was a huge day for responsible industry. Better in Our Back Yard (BIOBY) celebrates the official completion of the Line 3 Replacement Project! After eight years of steadfast work, Enbridge completed a full replacement of the 1,097-mile-long pipeline from Edmonton, AB to Superior, WI. 

Replacing the pipeline was an essential step in creating a more safe and reliable means of transport for natural resources. The new pipeline has been strengthened with state-of-the-art, thicker-walled pipe designed to protect the environment and support millions of people with access to a reliable, low-cost energy source.

The project proves northern Minnesota’s commitment to completing projects the right way. A thriving industrial sector depends on responsible, sustainable, safe work to repair aging infrastructure, explore metal and mineral resources, and manage natural resources. 
The Line 3 Replacement project has created economic benefits during unprecedented times for Minnesota’s small businesses, Native American communities and union members. Safe, reliable transportation of natural resources is essential to sustaining and strengthening Northern Minnesota communities for years to come.