Enbridge Line 3 Project On Track for Permitting

Better In Our Back Yard is excited to hear of this week’s news that by a vote of 3-1, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) agreed that the revised environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Enbridge Line 3 replacement project assessed the impacts of an oil spill in the Lake Superior watershed adequately. After further review, utility regulators concluded that a potential spill in the watershed “would be unlikely to reach the lake itself.”

After approving the revised EIS, the PUC reapproved both the Certificate of Need and Route Permit. All 3 decisions represent a huge step in moving forward with the remaining permit process.

As part of the last portion of Enbridge’s 1960s-vintage Line 3, which is currently operating at about half capacity due to integrity issues, this portion of the pipeline is in clear need of replacement. This project has been undergoing careful study and environmental review for over four years, making it the most studied pipeline project in Minnesota’s history.

The Line 3 replacement project has been evaluated to the highest standards in environmental reviews. It aims to ensure the continued safe transportation of the energy we all need and will create thousands of construction jobs. Better In Our Back Yard is proud to support Enbridge and an industry that continues to fight to make a positive impact to our economy and our state.

For more information, please visit the Duluth News Tribune article in the link below:
