Better In Our Back Yard congratulates DNR and PolyMet for a big win today as it takes another important step in making the NorthMet project a reality. Today’s ruling by the Minnesota Supreme Court effectively resolved a key legal challenge regarding PolyMet’s Permit to Mine and dam safety permits. The Court overturned a lower court decision that ordered an open-ended contested case hearing, instead limiting the hearing to one specific narrow issue.

As demand grows for renewable energy technologies, PolyMet gives Minnesota the opportunity to lead the way in responsibly extracting the minerals needed for a thriving green energy economy while providing 300+ family-supporting jobs and generating billions in private investments to a region that has beens struggling economically for decades.

Better In Our Back Yard is proud to support PolyMet as it works to open Minnesota’s first non-ferrous mine. After 16 years of regulatory review, we believe that PolyMet has proven that it will mine safely and responsibly.

Ryan Sistad
Executive Director
Better In Our Back Yard


  1. What else can we, the public, do to help push this project through? With President Biden looking for “made in America and Green Energy” and so on this should be a win, win!

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