BIOBY Line 3 Statement

“Once again people across Minnesota have come together to participate in this process and show strong support for this important project. Minnesotans know Line 3 has been reviewed like no other project of its kind and passed every test. Not only does it make sense to replace old infrastructure with something better, this project will immediately bring new jobs and spending to help our communities economically recover. We are confident this process is nearing the end and we will soon be able to focus on construction that will be good for Minnesota and even better for the environment.” – Susan Goudge, member of Minnesotans for Line 3.

Last week, Minnesota’s came together to participate in an electronic petition in support of Enbridge’s Line 3 Replacement Pipeline Project. Comments submitted by Line 3 supporters to the MPCA focused on the agency’s draft 401 Water Quality Certification and importance of replacing an aging part of Minnesota’s energy infrastructure. The comments will be reviewed by the agency as part of their process to review and approve water quality permit applications submitted by Enbridge.

Better In Our Back Yard supports Enbridge’s Line 3 Replacement Pipeline Project and the initiative @Minnesotans for Line 3 has taken to promote education and impact this new infrastructure will have on our state’s economy.